Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Do we speak car? Sure, But do we speak Hybrid? Definatly.


Watching, uhm Cake Boss (seen the episode but still it's a good show)

It's the Aquarium cake/Surprise new baby episode for any and all Cake Boss fans out there =]

Soooo, how are ya'll? I am like tre tre bored ya know? I had class today (Psychology) and I'm kinda kinda tiiiired and slightly BORED,

Oh wait, not slightly!!!!! =]

My cat is like molesting my shoulder, FUN, She's adorable so it's k,

OMG found an old post on one of my other blogs from X-mas:

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hi lovers,

Time- 8:16pm
Location- Greenfeild Park, Montreal, Que. Canada.

I'm currently sitting in my grandparents sun porch in Montreal attempting to be festive, theres a small tiney radio humming christmas music next to me, it's thrilling!

Maybe that was a bit cynical but it's rather boring, as much as I LOVE Christmas this isn't the most exiting or Christmas-y one I've expiranced, this is the first Christmas EVER that I'm not going to see my other grandparents (Not dead just living in Newfoundland) so that's kinda weird, OH and my cousins aren't here yet so it's just the 'rents and the grand'rents talking about old cars they've had and well I think there talking about car jacks now...


I totally can't feel my butt, just sayin'

My cousins should be here after church (giggle)

Sorry, not a big 'Church' person, but this is a "Hi I'm a normal person blog" NOT a "Hi I'm going to dis organized religion!...blog..." THAT would be rude =]

I'm tiiiiired, Sorry this blog feels like talking to a friend, most of my friends have weird quick senses of humor...

OMG Drew is online *dies*

Oh wait right i totally doesn't care that my HUGE crush is online, Wanna know why?


Who's not my crush, once again, just sayin'

But no I actually do love my boyfriend more then anything.

Oooh look it's 8:30pm, I think church would have just ended so they should be here in like 15 min-ish

OH OH OH OH! Guess what we got for my freaky religious little cousin?!?!?!!! BIBLE-OPOLY

I could not make this shit up WAIT WAIT WAIT! *Actual conversation between the ttwo of us last year* (She's 11)

Me: So Kelly what kind of music do you like?

Her: Christian.

Me: Oh...I like death metal and rave or techno...

*Awkward Silence*

It was awesome, seriously, thrills were had by all.

Wow apparently I'm rather sarcastic at the mo.

It's 8:36pm
Am I a tad bit impatient?

I used to have a blog that I was serious in ALL the time but the only person that ever read that was my ex-best friend Patricia, so I had to abandon that didn't I?

FRIDGE AND COASTERS I'm bored, Adrian better be damn amusing when they get here, it's bad enough that i have to deal with Kelly the Religi-bot.

Oh yeah I said Religi-bot, It's my term



It's 8:40pm I am so bored I could cry, there is like no one online but like Kat and Ash and much as I love them both NOT THRILLING!


Oh wait getting dirt on my auntie, Apparently they didn't want to open gifts tomorrow morning not with everyone BUUUUUT my Grammy put her foot down and announced that we will be opening gifts tonight!!Ooooh maybe I'll get to be Santa! I do have a Santa hat on!

Iiiiiight dahlinks well my ass is tired and I must abandon you all!



Teeheehee I was so happy =P

Well this feels like and adaquaite post, If I get bored in like 5 seconds I'll post some sort of lil' survey quiz thingay!

Love, Writer Girl.

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