Thursday, October 9, 2008


Subject- Raddtasticcness!
Date- October,9,2008
Time- 10:04pm
Watching- N/A
Feeling- Sick && Radd
Weight- 135! woot!

Heyy Bitchez!

How are my Radtastic.Bitches? I'm totally voguein'!
LMAO don't ask, I think I might have taken to many Motrin, chchchchchyeah!

Nothing much to report today, I was thinking about some peeps I used to know and it got me thinking. why don't I write what i think about them here?!:

Oh god I miss him so much some days...=] He was perfect and I miss his randomness, sometimes I try to be like him and it makes me happy, I sometimes want to talk to P.L. about him and I know she wouldn't mind at all, but saying the things I'm thinking about him out loud make it harder to get over him, you know? Sometimes I talk out loud to my self about it-when I'm alone, I just wish that I would be able to hear him, or hold him once again, But I think it's like a creepy little addiction I need to get over.

Not a day goes by that I don't worry that I did the wrong thing, What if that ass hurts him? I know he hurts him but I mean BADLY hurts him, He wouldn't tell anyone, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was walking around with broken bones, Jason is strong, really strong... but he can be really depressive and If Jason make him happy, even part of the time I should be happy for him...shouldn't I? I wonder if he even made it through September...No I'm sure somehow I would feel it if he was...gone.

God, my heroin, my first love, he was always so sweet and smokin' hot, I mean seriously he bought me dogs, I know some of the stuff he did was wrong, but he was/is seriously misunderstood, he never WANTED to hurt me, I know that. he just didn't know how to handle his temper...It's hard to describe Day, he is like this magnificent, smoldering, sexy...beast!And he loved me, I was the one that got away, the one he could never truly have. I don't know It's sick.


Love, Writer Girl

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