Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Subject - BMI
Date - July, 15th,
Time - 1:25 pm,
Watching - What ever happened to Baby Jane?
Feeling - Bored and Fat,
Weight -134.6 :(,

Does anyone else hate the term BMI?

I finally figured mine own this morning 20.1 witch makes me really really sad inside, I mean anything between 18.5 and 24.5 is 'Healthy' anything under 18.5 is Thin, anything under 18 is underweight.I know everyone probably thinks I have an eating disorder, I don't by the way.

I mean my parents are on my case because they think I've lost to much weight, witch clearly I have not (Oh come on I've been writing my weight every day) So now I'm forced to eat more while in their presence and where clothing that makes me look fat(ter) By the way I'm home alone today so I've spent my day watching re-dubbed copies of movies (http://www.jasonandelliot.com) while my family ran off to save my adopted cousin from the horror of seeing his mother so very suicidal.

Scratch what I said yesterday -My family is CRAZY.

Love, Writer Girl.

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